How To Make Your Own Total Body Surf Workout...
Creating a workout to help improve your fitness for surfing is both an art and a science.
And although I cannot teach you all of the theories behind my training philosophies in one short email, I can certainly give you some guidelines should you wish to plan your own total body exercise routine.
To start with all you have to do is choose an exercise from each of the following categories...
Quad Dominant - eg. RFE Dumbbell Split Squats, Rainbow Squats, 180 Squat Jumps
Hip Dominant - eg. Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlifts, Swiss Ball Hip Raises, TRX Leg Curls
Horizontal Push - eg. Single Arm Swiss Ball Chest Press, BOSU Push-ups, Half-Kneeling Band Press
Horizontal Pull - eg. Inverted Rows, Plank Dumbbell Rows, Single Arm TRX Row
Vertical Push - eg. Dumbbell Push Press, Single Arm Dumbbell Press, Swiss Ball Pike to Shoulder Push-up
Vertical Pull - eg. Pull-ups, Single Arm Band Pull-down, TRX Chin-ups
Core Stability - eg. Side Plank with Rotation, Swiss Ball Plank to Rollout, BOSU Up Down Plank
Rotational Core - eg. Dumbbell Chop, Swiss Ball Hip Flips, Band Core Press
Balance - eg. Swiss Ball Half-Kneeling Balance, Balance Board Quick Drops, BOSU Single Leg Alternate Drill
Then you can split the exercises into groups of 2-4 exercises and create supersets, or you can complete all the exercises as a circuit.
Do each exercise 2-3 times within the workout completing anywhere from 5-20 repetitions for each set depending on whether you are trying to work more on strength or more on muscular endurance (less reps = strength, more reps = muscular endurance).
Try and start your workout with some foam rolling and then do a warm-up including multi-joint mobility drills and bodyweight exercises.
At the end of the workout if you have time you can finish with some high intensity intervals to build your aerobic and anaerobic endurance. And finally do some stretching to help cool-down and promote flexibility.
So there you have it, that's how to make your own total body surf workout.