Thursday, 31 January 2013

How To Catch More Waves Using Surf Specific Fitness Training

How To Catch More Waves Using Surf Specific Fitness Training

By Clayton Beatty BSc (Human Movement) Exercise Scientist
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Are you tired of watching those surfers who just cruise by continuously, catching wave after wave, getting barrel after barrel… and basically making you look bad?
And are you sick of having arms like jelly after only a few minutes of paddling and then struggling to stand up because you don’t have enough strength left in your arms to push yourself up?
Or maybe you are just fed up with not being as good a surfer as you want to be, but you don’t know what to do next to improve?
If any of this describes you, then don’t stress… you aren’t the only one.
I am going to reveal a 5 step blueprint which will show you how you can triple your wave count in 30 days or less, improve your surfing style, get more barrels and get in the best shape of your life.
Step 1 – Increase your paddle fitness through energy system development
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Surfing uses a combination of both your aerobic energy system (with oxygen) and your anaerobic energy system (without oxygen). In order to improve your cardiovascular fitness for surfing, you need to improve both of these energy systems simultaneously.
Doing hours of running along the beach is just not going to cut it. What you need to be doing is interval training using surf specific interval periods, and certain types of exercises which will boost both your paddle fitness and improve your overall surf conditioning.
Step 2 – Improve your core stability, strength and rotary power
surf exercises 1If you think that cranking out 100 crunches every morning is going to give you the core strength you need for optimum surfing, you couldn’t be further from the truth.
First of all you need to be working on your core stability, which is using your core muscles to stabilise your torso when there are other forces acting against you. The basics of this are bridge or plank type exercises, but there are many more advanced exercises you need to master before you have excellent core stability.
You will also need to develop your core strength and rotary power. Rotary power can betrained using very specific functional exercises and is an important factor in mastering powerful turns.
Step 3 – Increase your upper body endurance, strength and power
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If you are not doing functional training to improve all of the above (endurance, strength and power), you are missing part of the equation.
You need muscle endurance in your arms, back and shoulders so you can keep up the paddling intensity throughout your entire surf session.
You need strength and power in your chest and arms so that you can pop-up fast (even when you are getting tired).
In addition you need to have the strength and power in your shoulders and back for the short bursts of paddle power you need to paddle into each wave.
Step 4 – Improve your mobility and flexibility
exercises for surfing 1Most surfers are aware of the need for good flexibility, but what most don’t understand is the missing piece of the equation – mobility.
Flexibility refers to the passive range of motion as achieved through static stretching. This is important for overly active muscles, but it does not mean the surrounding joints are stable and prepared for dynamic movements.
Often an increase in passive flexibility is an injury waiting to happen. What surfers need more than passive flexibility, is mobility. Mobility refers to the ability to move your joints into flexible positions, but also have the joint stable whilst in those positions. Mobility can be increased through specific mobility drills which are generally incorporated into your dynamic warm-up.
Step 5 – Improve your balance and lower body strength & power
Surfing workout
Balance is obviously important for surfers to help stop you from wiping out. Most surfers however, do not do any balance training. It is actually very easy to improve your balance using some simple training methods that use very little equipment.
Surfing also requires a lot of lower body strength and power.
Strong and healthy legs will mean that you can perform powerful manoeuvres and not have an increased risk of injury. This doesn’t mean hitting the gym to do more leg curls and leg extensions. What you need to be doing is lower body functional training exercises – both hip and knee dominant, both single leg and double leg, and both stable and unstable exercises.
In order to increase your wave count fast, and become a better surfer, you need to have a well rounded, surf specific, functional training program. You cannot rely on traditional body building workout routines and long boring cardio to improve your surfing.
What you need is a surf fitness program that has been proven to work with hundreds of surfers from all over the globe. If you are interested in finding out more about our surfing exercises, surfing workouts and surf training programs,
To find out more just click on the Banner above this page.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Habits of Fit Surfers - Habit #1

It's the start of the new year and that means new years fitness resolutions are in full swing.
So how come most people start with good intentions but normally fall off the wagon after only a few weeks or months?
It's generally because they try and change too much at once and then it all becomes to hard to maintain.
If this is you, then try the follow approach instead as it will set you up for long term success...
Fitness Success Strategy - Change just one thing in your fitness routine until it becomes a habit and then move onto the next thing. That way you are making things more attainable and only progressing once it becomes a normal part of your routine.
For some people it might only take a few days to become a habit, for others it might take a few weeks. Either way, stick it out and build those habits!
So having said that, I will be sending out some emails over the coming weeks outlining the habits you should be building in order to become a fit surfer. Your job is to choose one habit at a time and focus on making it part of your routine. That way over the course of a year you should have build some great habits and significantly improve your fitness for surfing.
So let's get started with the first habit...
Habits of Fit Surfers - Habit #1
Fit surfers do functional strength training workouts 2-3 times per week. 
Doing 2 full body workouts per week is the minimum you should be doing to get noticeable progress in strength and muscular endurance. 3 workouts per week would be even better. You can even do four, however I would advise breaking it down into an upper body / lower body split so your muscles still get adequate recovery time.
With regards to exercise selection you should be doing as many multi-joint, functional exercises as possible using your bodyweight, dumbbells, a swiss ball and for further challenges you can use extra equipment like bands, a suspension trainer, medicine balls, kettlebells, etc.
Try and stay clear of machine based exercises that limit you to a specific range of motion unless you are doing specific rehabilitation exercises, as you will get better results from free weights which will help improve your movements patterns in addition to helping improve strength.
Are you doing 2-3 strength training workouts each week?
If so, great work, keep it up.
If not, start by planning and completing 2 workouts in the next week, then progress from there.
All it takes is to build a few habits now and then several months down the track, you will be fitter, stronger and surfing better.
Stay tuned to your inbox for Habit #2 :)

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hip Mobility Exercises For Surf & Snow Sports

Hip Mobility Exercises For Surf & Snow Sports

How To Increase Your Hip Mobility And Surf, Snowboard or Ski Better

In this article I want to show you how increasing your hip mobility can enhance your surf or snow riding performance.
Personally this has always been an area of weakness for me, as I have a family history of hip replacements, so my hips like to stay tight unless I am doing my mobility exercises to help keep them loose.
Having increased hip mobility has two major benefits to help you perform better…

1. Enhanced Movement & Performance - Improved hip mobility means more efficient movement patterns, so your ability to jump, land and turn effectively will all improve. If you look at good surf or snow athletes you will see that they get their hips into some positions that wouldn’t be possible if you had stiff hip joints.
2. Reduced Injury Risk - Better hip mobility leads to decreased injury risk for lower back. When you improve how a joint functions, this will often take unnecessary pressure off the joints above and below. Many people have tight hips and this means they compensate by moving from their lumbar spine more than they should, which can cause lower back fatigue and injury.
To enhance your hip mobility you will need to incorporate some mobility exercises into your workouts.
Check out the video below to see some hip mobility exercises you can get started with…

Hopefully you can see (and now feel) how an improvement in hip mobility can improve your surf or snow fitness and performance.
If you want to start improving in this area, make sure you have a go at incorporating these exercises into your next workout.

If you like these exercises and want a complete functional training plan to help prevent injury and enhance your surf or snow riding performance, make sure you download one of our step-by-step functional training programs below…


Total Surfing Fitness

12 week surf fitness training program guaranteed to help you catch more waves and surf at your best.

Total Snowboarding Fitness

Our fitness training plan for snowboarders which will help you shred harder all over the mountain this season!

Total Skiing Fitness 2.0

Functional fitness training for skiiers which will help you build a strong skiers body so you can ski hard through the fresh powder this winter.

Total Windsurfing Fitness

Our program for windsurfers program designed to build total body strength, stabililty, balance and endurance so you can take your sailing to the next level.