I just came across a new way to explain core training which might help everyone understand the role your core muscles play in human movement.
The following concept I have borrowed from Mike Robertson who is a leader in corrective exercise.
The concept is this...
Our core is basically used to 2 specific purposes.
The first is Re-Distributing Force, and the second is Re-Directing Force.
Let me explain...
Re-distributing force applies to your ability to stabilize and transfer force away from your lumbar spine, hence protecting your lower back from injury.
Think about when you are surfing and get knocked off your centre of gravity - if you can't get stable by re-distributing the force and your core breaks down, you will generally wipe out.
If you can successfully re-distribute the force, then you will be able to maintain balance and stay on the wave.
To train re-distributing force you should focus on preventing movement through anti-flexion/extension and anti-rotation exercises.
Good examples would be Swiss Ball Planks and Band Core Presses.
Re-directing force is more about using your body to create a change in movement with your core muscles acting as the point where the force transfers through your body.
A great example for surfing is performing a turn, which is where you generate the force yourself in order to execute the move.
You are effectively re-directing the force to where you want it to go to create the desired movement.
To train re-directing force you should focus on creating movement through rotational exercises such as dumbbell chops or medicine ball throws.
Your core is the engine room of your body - Make sure you train it correctly to improve your surfing and decrease the risk of lower back injuries.
Total Surfing Fitness will not only help improve your core strength, but it can also help you lose body fat, increase muscle tone and help you surf for longer and catch more waves!