Friday, 24 June 2011

Today I am going to give you some balance exercises to try

Surfing is a sport which obviously requires a high level of balance due to the nature of the unstable surface (waves) that you surf on.
In order to improve your balance and in turn your surfing ability, there are a number of simple exercises which can further develop your balance.
These exercises train the muscles which are responsible for your balancing ability, which includes your core muscles (abs and lower back) and also the muscles through your hips.
To do these exercises you will need a stability (exercise) ball. Make sure you have
enough room so you are not going to fall off onto anything.
1. Stability Ball Balance - Kneel on the ball with your hands out to the sides for balance. Try and stay on the ball for 30 seconds without falling off. To get up, balance on your hands and knees and then remove one hand at a time from the ball.
If balancing on your knees is too easy, try balancing on one knee and one foot, or
closing your eyes. 
2. Stability Ball Balance Circles - Kneel on the ball and hold an object that weighs 3-5 kgs (eg medicine ball, weight plate). Hold the ball out at arms length and rotate it in big circles whilst maintaining your balance. Do this for 30 seconds.
3. Balance Throw & Catch - Kneel on the stability ball and throw a basketball or medicine ball against a wall so you catch it on the rebound. Test yourself by throwing it at different angles.
Balance Board Exercises
Squat Holds - If you have a balance board, try squat holds. To do these, stand on the balance board with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, then squat down and hold with your thighs parallel to the ground for 5 seconds. Stand back up and repeat for 10 reps. This will help your balance and leg strength.
Balance is only one fitness component that is important in your overall fitness for surfing. For the complete strength and conditioning program for Surfers, get a copy of Total Surfing Fitness...

Go and look here;

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