Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Try this core/balance exercise
The following exercise is a great test of your balance and core stability. 
  • If you don't have a balance board, do the exercise on one leg
  • To make it even harder, try doing it with your eyes closed!
  • Do 5-10 circles in each direction 
Make sure you plan out your workouts in advance. Put them in your diary if you have to so you can make sure you will be consistent with your training. August could be your fittest month yet!
Download your surf workouts now... and get your fittest body ever!
Just Click the banner at Top.
See you in the surf soon!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


In order to maintain a lean, strong, healthy body, you need to be feeding it correctly. If you combine your workouts with a healthy eating plan, then you are on your way to a high performance lifestyle.
Here are 3 nutrition rules every surfer should follow to keep your body in peak condition...
#1 - Eat 5-6 times per day (about every 3 hours)
eg. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, after dinner snack. Eating regularly (with healthy foods in appropriate portion sizes) will help increase your metabolism and give you energy throughout the day.
#2 Try to eat a serve of vegetables or fruit with every meal, including snacks. Fruit and veggies contain lots of vitamins and minerals to keep you fit and healthy.
#3 Eat a serve of protein with every meal. Protein helps you build muscle and maintain your lean body mass as well as helps you feel full if you are trying to drop a bit of body fat. Good sources of protein include: fish, lean beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, low fat milk & yoghurt, unsalted nuts and whey protein supplements.
In addition to this make sure you are drinking lots of water and focus on eating whole grain carbs instead of highly processed carbs (eg. oats, wholegrain cereal, wholemeal bread, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, quinoa, etc.)
If you adopt these eating patterns and train  then you are on your way to a transforming your body into a lean, mean, surfing machine!
Here is my fitness formula for success...
Functional Training Workouts + Smart Nutrition = Lean Body & Functional Performance (feel better, move better, surf better!)

Monday, 18 July 2011

Surfer's Nutrition

In order to maintain a lean, strong, healthy body, you need to be feeding it correctly. If you combine your workouts with a healthy eating plan, then you are on your way to a high performance lifestyle.
Here are 3 nutrition rules every surfer should follow to keep your body in peak condition...
#1 - Eat 5-6 times per day (about every 3 hours)
eg. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, after dinner snack. Eating regularly (with healthy foods in appropriate portion sizes) will help increase your metabolism and give you energy throughout the day.
#2 Try to eat a serve of vegetables or fruit with every meal, including snacks. Fruit and veggies contain lots of vitamins and minerals to keep you fit and healthy.
#3 Eat a serve of protein with every meal. Protein helps you build muscle and maintain your lean body mass as well as helps you feel full if you are trying to drop a bit of body fat. Good sources of protein include: fish, lean beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, low fat milk & yoghurt, unsalted nuts and whey protein supplements.
In addition to this make sure you are drinking lots of water and focus on eating whole grain carbs instead of highly processed carbs (eg. oats, wholegrain cereal, wholemeal bread, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, quinoa, etc.)
If you adopt these eating patterns and train with  then you are on your way to a transforming your body into a lean, mean, surfing machine!
Here is my fitness formula for success...
Functional Training Workouts + Smart Nutrition = Lean Body & Functional Performance (feel better, move better, surf better!)

Friday, 15 July 2011

Core Stability Exercises

Today I just want to challenge you to have go at the following exercise, which looks fairly easy, but in actual fact is very hard for alot of people to master.
The plank or bridge is the most basic core exercise that every surfer should start with before progressing...
...but can you really perform a plank properly?
The benchmark is to hold a plank with a broomstick balancing down your spine with 3 points of contact. The stick should touch your buttocks, your upper back and the back of your head.
Ideally their should be about a knuckle width of space between the broomstick and your lower back. 
If you can hold this position for 60 seconds, you are doing well.
If you can hold it for 2 minutes, then you have excellent core stability.
But to be honest, many of you will struggle to even hold a plank with 3 points of contact, due to poor postural alignment.
If this is you, you need to start incorporating this exercise into your workouts.
Get someone to hold the broomstick while you adjust your body position. Try to tuck your chin and push your chest down. This will help improve your alignment.
The reason this exercise is important is because if you can't stabilize in this position, then you will likely not be able to optimally stabilize in a standing, more sports specific position.
The broomstick plank will also help with postural alignment, so if you are desk bound for much of the day, this will be a good one for you.

See you fitter and stronger in the surf soon!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Shoulder Exercises

Today I just want to show you a few of the best shoulder exercises to not only help you get strong, but also to help keep your shoulders healthy.
Combine a lot of paddling with some bad posture and instable shoulders and you have a recipe for injuries.
Try adding these exercises to your workouts for healthy strong surfer shoulders...
1. 90 Degree Dumbbell External Rotations
This exercise is a great for strengthening your rotator cuff and preventing injury. I hear from lots of surfers that have had some sort of rotator cuff issues, and this is a great prevention exercise to stop it happening. You don't want to be unable to paddle when the swell hits because of a nagging shoulder injury.
2. Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press
By performing a shoulder press one arm at a time it will force your body to work on any imbalances from one side of the body to the other. Can you do the same number of reps on both sides? If not, you might want to include this exercises in your workouts and do a few extra reps on the weaker side.
3. Side Plank with External Rotation
This exercise is all about bang for your buck. Not only is it another great rotator cuff exercise, but you are also training your core stability as well. It saves workout time and helps decrease your risk of shoulder injuries.
Hopefully you will find these shoulder exercises helpful.
If you want a step-by-step plan to help you get your whole body (including your shoulders) fit and strong for surfing, then click on the banner above.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Surfing Fitness in 3D

Are you doing your surf training in 3D?
And no I don't mean wearing a pair of 3D glasses... read on and I'll explain... 
Surfing is a sport which you move in all 3 dimensions - pushing, pulling, squatting, lunging and  twisting, so therefore you need to be training the same way.
Too many people are still doing single plane body building type exercises that don't transfer into real world sports movement.
You need to be training using functional exercises that incorporate the 3 planes of movement...
  • Sagittal Plane
  • Frontal Plane
  • Transverse Plane
1. Sagittal Plane - This refers to movements of the body forward and backward. Think of paddling when you are surfing or exercises like pushups with knee drive for your workouts.
2. Frontal Plane - This refers to lateral movements such as pumping down a wave for speed. Frontal plane exercises include lateral squats or wide-grip pullups.
3. Transverse Plane - This refers to rotational movements such as performing a bottom turn when surfing. Exercises include russian twists and stability ball hip flips.
Ideally every workout you want to include exercises that train all 3 dimension and preferably using exercises that use multiple planes of movement within the one exercises such as the dumbbell chop which trains movement in the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane.
Next time you workout, think about whether you are training all 3 planes of movement.
Want to start training in 3D? Download the most comprehensive 3D surf fitness program on the internet and explode your surfing performance!
See you training in 3D soon!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Push -up Exercises for Surfers

Pushups are still one of the best exercises a surfer can do to build upper body strength for paddling and popups.
And once you have mastered the basic version there are a heap of variations you can add into your workouts to increase the challenge and keep your strength progressing.
Below are 3 more advanced pushup variations you can look at adding into your surf workouts...
1. Weighted Pushup
This is the same as a basic pushup only you will rest a weight plate on your back to increase the resistance. You should only try this once you can comfortably do 20 normal pushups, and get someone to help place the weight on your back if you need.
2. Feet Elevated Swiss Ball Pushup
This exercise is an advanced version of the swiss ball pushup and will increase the core and strength challenge. Make sure you can do at least 15 normal swiss ball pushups before you attempt this exercise.
3. Spiderman Pushup
This pushup variation places a big emphasis on core strength and hip mobility. As you lower your body you lift one leg off the floor and bring your knee out to the side towards your elbow. Add this one into your workouts for a good challenge.
...and who said pushups were boring?
Bored with your workout routine? Or don't have one to follow?

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"The surf fitness training helped me improve my strength when paddling and my cardio strength as well. My physical appearance is better, my arms are a bit more toned and instead of having a 4 pack i now have a six, I also have been able to do more powerful turns."
"Before using your program I was running an hour twice a week and  doing Yoga most days for 15mins. Since using your program I am able to get into turns with more strength & stamina as it is designed for surfers. It is nice to know that at 48yrs of age specific training gets me results I didn't know I could get. Thanks."