Friday, 15 July 2011

Core Stability Exercises

Today I just want to challenge you to have go at the following exercise, which looks fairly easy, but in actual fact is very hard for alot of people to master.
The plank or bridge is the most basic core exercise that every surfer should start with before progressing...
...but can you really perform a plank properly?
The benchmark is to hold a plank with a broomstick balancing down your spine with 3 points of contact. The stick should touch your buttocks, your upper back and the back of your head.
Ideally their should be about a knuckle width of space between the broomstick and your lower back. 
If you can hold this position for 60 seconds, you are doing well.
If you can hold it for 2 minutes, then you have excellent core stability.
But to be honest, many of you will struggle to even hold a plank with 3 points of contact, due to poor postural alignment.
If this is you, you need to start incorporating this exercise into your workouts.
Get someone to hold the broomstick while you adjust your body position. Try to tuck your chin and push your chest down. This will help improve your alignment.
The reason this exercise is important is because if you can't stabilize in this position, then you will likely not be able to optimally stabilize in a standing, more sports specific position.
The broomstick plank will also help with postural alignment, so if you are desk bound for much of the day, this will be a good one for you.

See you fitter and stronger in the surf soon!

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